Which Number did you Choose?
1. APPREHENSION: “Moving out into the world, Doubt, Fear”
It’s time to get going. There is nothing to fear. Take the first step - just do it - and you will find that all will work out for you.
They say the first step is always the hardest, so Spirit is here to tell you to just step. Some of you may need to leap, while others just need to take the smallest step, but some action in the direction of their path. There is no wrong move, only non-movement. Take a breath and repeat the following affirmation:
- I surrender my fear and replace it with love
- I surrender my doubt and replace it with confidence
- I see myself moving out into the world with ease
- I give thanks for all I learn and experience
- Each new day is full of possibility
2. YIN YANG: “Creating harmony through balance.”
There is currently disharmony in some area of your life due to your refusal to accept certain aspects of your personality. Nothing about you is bad. Every trait or quality you possess serves a worthwhile purpose. Moreover, any trait or quality that you think you lack, you actually have. Make a list of all the things about you that you don’t like. Then think about how each of these things serve you and others in some way. Next make a list of all the things you do like about yourself. It is natural to believe that your positive qualities undoubtedly serve both you and others, however for every perceived positive there is also a negative.
Now think about the negative aspects of your perceived positives. This process takes a bit of time and requires an open heart and mind. It is definitely a worthwhile exercise, for in the end you will hopefully see that nothing is actually good or bad. Every aspect of you serves both you and others. Owning, accepting and loving what is, without wanting to change it, will lead you to experience a happier, healthier and more harmonious life.
- I love and accept all that I am
- There is nothing to change, There is only love
- Every aspect of me serves both me and others in some way
- I create health, wealth and harmony by loving what is
- All I accept and love transforms to ever greater love.
3. OCEAN OF ETERNAL LOVE: “Healing, Creativity, Fertility”
It is said that love conquers all; this is especially true for you at the moment. Something is resolved and healed through love. What was previously barren now becomes fertile. A seed is planted and you are the co-creator. The conditions are favourable, the timing is right; a new creation awaits you. The birth of something new brings joy and excitement. The forever changing seasons of eternity turn their invisible wheel a new cycle begins. A new image is born.
- Love heals
- Love brings resolution
- Love conquers
- Love creates
- Love is eternal
4. SACRED HEART: “Passion, Love, Spiritual Communion.”
You are entering a period of profound and heartfelt love; a deeply emotional time where you focus on, question and think about the things that matter to you most. You will find yourself re-evaluating your priorities and core values and this leads you along a path of self-discovery, bringing with it a deepened spiritual connection to the Earth, your surroundings, family, friends, and loved ones. Your passion and appreciation for life are heightened. At times your emotions overflow to the point of being almost unbearable. Yet this is nothing to fear or be concerned about, for this is a most sacred and precious time through which your loving intentions are both seen and felt by all around you.
Your inner light and wisdom illuminates, heals and inspires. This is a good time for creative writing, or you may feel inclined to draw, paint or take up a creative pursuit of some kind. Thank the Earth and stars for the many blessings you receive.
- I am in tune
- With my inner light and wisdom
- I am guided
- Always by love
- I energetically share my light
- And my wisdom with others
- I am one with the Earth and the stars
- The guidance I receive
- Is free from the limitations
- Of time and space”
5. GODDESS OF CREATION: “Transformation, Creativity, Wholeness”
It's time for you to chill out and let go of rigid and fixed ideas. Relax and take time out to just be. You really have been trying too hard lately and are taking things far too seriously. This has blocked your creativity and caused your energy levels to be low. You probably tell yourself that you don't have time to relax, but you must make the time. Make this a priority and you will find that an interesting transformation takes place. Your creativity will increase and you will feel revitalised by a newfound sense of purpose and inspiration. Your mind may be telling you that relaxation is a futile waste of time, yet the opposite is true.
Relaxation will slow down your thoughts and open your heart. It is fuel for the soul that will have a positive flow-on effect for your entire being. Your wellbeing is of paramount importance so do not take it for granted. Without it, nothing else really matters.
- I take time each day to relax
- I make time each day to nurture my spirit
- I connect spiritually to a space of love inside my heart
- I find peace within
- I am light - I am love